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Top Positive Review for %s on Banggood, Shop best %s with lowest price on Banggood. Browse most helpful positive review for %s before you buy., rc toys, fun sports, fashion, popular electronics
BG129371816 24/08/2021
I am very disappointed with the market. The product I received has nothing to do with the descriptions on your site. I'm sorry I're not going to trust you again.
Comments (8)
  • angeliuxxx tiene que fijarse bien en las especificaciones a veces hay más opciones de LEDS, he visto de estas en mi comunidad y da buena luz, además por el precio es perfecto.. no creo q en su país haya algo parecido y al precio bajo, si no era así hubiera comprado en su ciudad.

    Reply 18/11/2021
  • BG133845343 και γιατί έβαλες 5 αστέρια?

    Reply 12/02/2022
  • aporiz εχει δυο εκδοσεις. εσυ δειχνεις στην οθονη αυτη με τα 170 led, αλλα αγορασες τα 44 led

    Reply 28/06/2022
  • Sibulele Mbalo ...andyet you gave the review 5 stars :-(

    Reply 17/11/2022
  • steve Ioften get something different than what they show, normally it is not as good as what I ordered, but I figure 1 day, they may send something better! Kind of like playing that arcade game where you drop the claw trying to pick up a stuffed animal, you keep trying, although you lose 9 out of 10 times!

    Reply 16/12/2022
  • MCS95 You shouldn't give 5 Stars :) .. anyway thank you, you saved me I will not buy it

    Reply 26/02/2023
  • galevizakhs που γράφει ότι έχει 44 led και πού λει ότι έχει 70 led

    Reply 26/03/2023
  • BG613164114 @BG133845343 καιεγ α

    Reply 31/05/2023
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