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Romel 20/04/2020
Item arrived in Malta after 3 weeks. The specs are overrated in that there is no way the battery will last 10 hours as implied. When lit the LED draws just shy of 0.6 Amps. So since the unit comes with one 1200mah battery. it should stay on continuously for 2 hours at the most. Arguably in most cases if you are putting a motion activated lamp its because you are not expecting so much traffic to start with, so the lamp might not be on for 2 hours a night and it might very well still have power just before dawn. I noticed that the housing was designed to take 2 pieces 18650 batteries in parallel thus retaining the same voltage. So I have changed the original 1200Mah battery and put 2 pieces of 2600 Mah batteries. This in the hope that I will be covered for cloudy days. Now the weakest link is not the battery but the solar panel, which I am hoping will be able to keep the new batteries topped up. The lamp is quite bright and I think that it is good value for money as it was originally and I do recommend it. But me I can't help fixing things which sometimes do not need fixing at all.
Comments (5)
  • BG101424533 apakah ini sejenis lampu emergency?

    Reply 02/01/2021
  • Omendata Itsnot deigned to come on contonously though mine has been working great even in the low light of winter still helps me find my way into the garage - need so seal it with silicone selant though to keep it watertight!

    Reply 12/01/2021
  • Kbmahe Hello Mr. Romel,

    So how much time did you get on it after the adjustment you made?
    Did the Solar Panel charge the Batteries?

    I've got my eyes fixed on this product and would like to try it out but not without a user review. Thanks

    Reply 10/02/2021
  • Omendata @Kbmahe 2.3 Hours but it does not come on continuously as it has a pir so goes off aft er 30 seconds if no motion is detected!

    Reply 30/11/2021
  • BG385117401 @Kbmahe 11111¹111111qq1

    Reply 10/11/2022
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