Good fighters are sharp, slightly oiled, I don't think they're pros but the price was good, I filled in some sets of fighters, at work and in another plant and one set that's more or less complete, They're very sharp, but I don't think they're pro fighters, I used to take fighters from Bangod I mean sets, there aren't some dimensions here, the other day I drilled a wood saw, It's a hard material one hole and it's blunt, it can't go any further, it was a hard material i.e. hardened material, there's something to buy from us, but they're a little more expensive, and with these I filled three sets, the sheet screws say you need to pierce it will go to some extent and quickly dull, Although Kolbat writes I think it's like an HSS that may not be from China, maybe a professional won't want it maybe in case he needs it, I think the quality of these things has fallen off to some extent, They're five times better than Kaufland and Lidl who can be dangerous when they break and can flinch, m42 fighters from Banggood are even better, Thanks Banggood
Dobri su boreri oštri pomalo nauljiti, mislim da nisu profi ali dobra je bila cijena, popunio sam neke setove borera, na poslu i i u jednom drugom pogonu i jedan set koji je više manje kompletan, koji mi je doma kad zatreba, dosta su oštri ali mislim da nisu profi boreri, prije sam isto uzimao borere od Bangoda mislim na setove, ovdje nema nekih dimenzija, neki dan sam pilu za drvo bušio, to je tvrdi materijal jednu rupu i tupi su, nemože dalje, bio je tvrd materijal tj. otvrđeni materijal, ima i kod nas za kupiti ali budu malo skuplji, a s ovima sam popunjavao tri seta, lim vijci recimo trebaš ga probušiti iči če do neke mjere i brzo zatupi, iako piše kolbat mislim da je kao HSS koji možda nije iz Kine, moguće da profesionalac neče htjeti možda za ako mu slučajno zatreba, mislim da je kvaliteta tih stvari otpala do neke mjere, bolji su pet puta nego od Kauflanda i Lidla koji mogu biti opasni kad puknu i mogu frcnuti, m42 boreri od Banggooda su još bolji, Thanks Banggood
Good fighters are sharp, slightly oiled, I don't think they're pros but the price was good, I filled in some sets of fighters, at work and in another plant and one set that's more or less complete, They're very sharp, but I don't think they're pro fighters, I used to take fighters from Bangod I mean sets, there aren't some dimensions here, the other day I drilled a wood saw, It's a hard material one hole and it's blunt, it can't go any further, it was a hard material i.e. hardened material, there's something to buy from us, but they're a little more expensive, and with these I filled three sets, the sheet screws say you need to pierce it will go to some extent and quickly dull, Although Kolbat writes I think it's like an HSS that may not be from China, maybe a professional won't want it maybe in case he needs it, I think the quality of these things has fallen off to some extent, They're five times better than Kaufland and Lidl who can be dangerous when they break and can flinch, m42 fighters from Banggood are even better, Thanks Banggood