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My Account My Orders My Wishlist My Coupons My Points My Referrals BGpayCopter123 There is Telemetry low a/c battery warning (beeps at Tx). Dont ignore it, land immediately. I ignored it and lost the aircraft on a 10mph wind day! The SU-35 is so good, I soon had a new one on order.
Reply 28/02/2024shawntooley197535 Out of the six or seven planes I've flown so far this little jet is my favorite. I appreciate your review it is honest and on point. And yes I experienced the low voltage beep myself and came down in time to find my lipo puffy. Fortunately I didn't lose my bird and like you I have ordered a second one. The first one was my tester and it's been crashed and fixed five or six times. And it's just so much more durable and fixable than more expensive UMX minis. Take care man and happy flying!
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