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DaviConte muito obrigado, era exatamente essa informação que desejava do wi-fi!!

bernardilucas93 14/08/2020
This is a decent product. Low-end projector with good excellent price for its features. Image quality is quite good, same as its predecessor, the BW-VP1. But I need to warn you: it isn’t THAT good. The BW-VP1 PRO doesn’t have any difference from the VP1 but the mirroring screen feature. Let’s be clear: this feature isn’t perfect. Ok, it can mirror screen wirelessly even using iOS devices (iOS users know that this is quite difficult for some products) but you won’t be able to stay connected to your WiFi. Neither Netflix or YouTube work on mirror screen feature (at least with an iPhone), if you try to use Netflix it just disconnect the phone from the projector and YouTube won’t load any video. Maybe with a wired connection it will work. I don’t know. As everyone already knows, sound is terrible, you can’t call it “sound” it’s just noises. Even my laptop have WAY BETTER speakers. Overall, for a 80-90 dollar projector you’ll get a pretty decent image. If you want to get perfect image quality you’ll need to pay a little bit more. Maybe at least a BW-VP3 or AUN AKEY 6 I also have to mention: mine came with a black line of dirt (it is something like a very tiny hair) inside the projection system (maybe in the mirrors or lens, I don’t know) and is quite visible and annoying. Finally, I’m a little bit disappointed, specially because of that black line. I was expecting more from Blitzwolf. But even with all of this I think I’ll make some good use of this projector
Comments (1)

Q: What is the best price for Mavic Pro Combo?

Asked by ncf94458 on 2019-06-02 09:07:11

DaviConte vem com controle e drone? novo? tem garantia pela dji no Brasil? posso registrar?

2020-06-06 01:36:08 Helpful (0)
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