I got it pretty quick. I've read a lot about the incomplete package, the faulty battery, which was all the trouble with.
My mini-saw has been given to me precisely, completely. With good batteries, so far.
It's a very nice tool, the plastic parts are non-sticky, they have a nice, aesthetic finish. He's working very well. I cut a baguette of wood, and everything was fine. took apart what was worn out, but all I had to do was grease it, grease it, and save a little.
The machine is very powerful, very small, very clever, I'd recommend it to everyone.
My daughter liked it too, so I gave it to her.
had to buy another one, and it came in short supply. I've been hit by "I've been hit."
I can't use it now because I don't have a license plate. My daughter lives 200 miles away, I can't ask her.
Well, I do now, but I don't have a mini saw.
I'll wait and see if I can get the chain-management card I bought. Which I bought, but I don't have!
Gyorsan megkaptam. Sok mindent olvastam a hiányos csomagról, a rossz akkumulátorról, amelyekkel csak a problémák voltak.
De a mini-fűrészemet pontosan, hiánytalanul megkaptam. Jó akkumulátorokkal, eddig.
Nagyon szép szerszám, a műanyag alkatrészek nem sorjásak, szép, esztétikus kivitelű. Nagyon jól dolgozik. Egy taliga fát összevágtam, és minden rendben volt. Szétszedtem, hogy mi kopott meg, de csak meg kellett zsírozni, kenni, és kicsit megtakarítani.
A gép elég erős, kicsi, ügyes, mindenkinek ajánlom a vételt.
A lányomnak is megtetszett, ezért neki adtam.
Kellett vennem egy másikat, és az már hiányosan érkezett meg. Utól ért a "Rémem".
Most nem tudom használni, mert nincs hozzá vezetőlap. A lányom 200 km-re lakik, tőle nem kérhetem.
Most van is, de még sincs mini fűrészem.
Várok, hátha megkapom a megvett, láncvezető lapot. Amit megvettem, de még sincs!
I got it pretty quick. I've read a lot about the incomplete package, the faulty battery, which was all the trouble with.
My mini-saw has been given to me precisely, completely. With good batteries, so far.
It's a very nice tool, the plastic parts are non-sticky, they have a nice, aesthetic finish. He's working very well. I cut a baguette of wood, and everything was fine. took apart what was worn out, but all I had to do was grease it, grease it, and save a little.
The machine is very powerful, very small, very clever, I'd recommend it to everyone.
My daughter liked it too, so I gave it to her.
had to buy another one, and it came in short supply. I've been hit by "I've been hit."
I can't use it now because I don't have a license plate. My daughter lives 200 miles away, I can't ask her.
Well, I do now, but I don't have a mini saw.
I'll wait and see if I can get the chain-management card I bought. Which I bought, but I don't have!