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Pachet primit exact cum a plecat din fabrica, in cutia orginala, cu toate accesoriile in pachet ! Principala problema este ca nu a avut nici un fel de sigiliu sau eticheta pentru a preveni desfacerea cutiei. cand a venit curierul si l am vazut fara sigilii pe cutie, am verificat daca pachetul e complet ! Din fericire nu a lipsit nimic din cutie! Ca produs este excelent, acumulatorul tine foarte mult! Package received exactly as it left the factory, in the original box, with all the accessories in the package! The main problem is that it did not have any seal or label to prevent the box from opening. when the courier came and I saw it without seals on the box, I checked if the package is complete! Fortunately, nothing was missing from the box! As a product is excellent, the battery lasts a long time!
Item arrived quickly and well packed in foam, then in a cardboard box covered with a plastic bag. It works perfectly: - 18W load tested on redmi note 8 ok - It charges my Samsung Note7 phone to about 1A ok - I tested a mixer plugged into a 220v outlet ok - charging with solar panel imars 135w ok