
silly It is possible to use it in an intelligent system, with MQTT, dataBase etc, using node-red. Customization and protocol example in tuyaDAEMON (search), wiki: custom-device-PM-detector: -case-study.

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silly It is possible to connect it to a smart system, but with two conditions: 1) buy the module with USB output 2) use node-red An example documented here: tuyaDAEMON, wiki custom-device-'PM-detector ': - case-study.

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Q: can it also send MQTT?

Asked by Ian on 2020-04-26 02:36:12

silly it is possible to get MQTT messages, but with two conditions: 1) buy the module with USB output 2) use node-red An example documented is in 'tuyaDAEMON' wiki, custom-device-'PM-detector':-case-study.

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silly Yes, It is a media player. But it is also a mini-computer Android general purpose. Keyboard mouse: via USB Monitor: any monitor or tv having HDMI interface Example: I use one like it as WEB-server 24/7. With the use of, (free) I can get my WEB from any smartphone, from everywhere. I installed: web-server, php, my_sql, phpmyadmin, ftp all for Android (free). After setup, my dedicate WEB server doesn't need a keyboard or a screen. I like this kind of products.

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silly I use the fallowing sw:, and i can get sensor data as MQTT messages.

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