
Q: Manda wifi em até Quantos metros?

Asked by Gabriel Menezes on 2019-07-11 15:49:03

Raiph Maybe40 metres in double brick home

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Raiph Yesyou can connect 2A but the light will not give full brightness. Still very bright though.

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Q: Are these "Photochromic and Polarized" at the same time?

Asked by funCrash93 on 2021-11-11 12:04:05

Raiph No,photochromic is when the lens is able to darken or lighten automatically when exposed to light. Bright sun and the lens darkens, no light and the lens is almost clear. Polarized lens eliminates glare and reflections.

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Raiph No it doesn't have a 3.5mm jack. You can only use bluetooth headphones or ones using usb-c.

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