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Paket je prišel rahlo poškodovan, vendar merilni inštrument je brezhiben in deluje odlično. Napetost kaže zelo natančno, napetost, pa bo potrebno naravnati na pravi rezultat. Priporočam nakup, zelo kvalitetna izdelava.
KWS DC200 10A arrived undamaged. The instruction manual shows how to connect with the power supply from the same source what and load. There is a warning there: Don't connetct thin black wire. On the case they show to connect a thin black wire to a thick black wire. So against my own warning. Such connection as on the sticker on the back of the meter in similar designs of voltmeters -ammeters causes their damage. The topic is known and described on the Internet. KEWEISI manufacturer which is correct? I didn't risk damaging it. I connected according to the attached instructions, and not according to the diagram from the housing. It works. Maybe someone was checking it. Write in the comments. Maybe Banggood will find out with the manufacturer where such a discrepancy in the schemes is and give it on the item's page. Another note. The specification gives a supply voltage from 8V to 120V. My copy starts the display only from 14.40V, regardless of the power supply from one or two sources. Below 14.4V, the display (photo) goes out. How do you have in your copies? The measurement error is small (photo), so it's probably not a matter of calibration.